FAQ Policies
We accept cash, direct ACH payments and/or payment through PayPal or Venmo.
Sorry, personal checks are not accepted.
For all sessions we require a 50% deposit, paid at the time of booking your session. The remaining balance is to be paid at the conclusion of your scheduled session. Or if you prefer, your deposit can roll-over to future bookings.
If at the end of a session there is a remaining unpaid balance of any amount, the client will not be permitted to leave the premises with any version of their work, in progress, finished or otherwise, until that balance is paid in full. Sorry but this is non-negotiable.
Booking & Cancellations:
Here at The Wave Lab, NYC we work on 'first come, first serve' basis so it's best to plan ahead and book early.
If you have booked a session, the session (and the clock) starts at your scheduled start time, not whenever you decide to finally arrive.
If a booking needs to be cancelled, it must be cancelled at least 5 days in advance of your scheduled session in order to receive a refund of your deposit.
All bookings within 5 days of the scheduled start date are final and any cancellations are non-refundable.
Sorry, 'Booking and Cancellation' policies are non-negotiable.
Other Stuff:
At the completion of your session you will be given 30 days to remove your files from our computer(s). We are not an archive facility and we need our drive space back for other clients and projects.
You will need to provide a USB, Thunderbolt or Firewire (1394) external hard drive or flash drive for the final backup and archiving of your work.
Files left on our computer(s) after 30 days of the completion of your session are subject to deletion without notice.
The Wave Lab, NYC assumes no liability or responsibility for client hard drives and/or audio tapes and/or any loss of data due mechanical or any other failure of these devices.